The Cantine Di Marco become part harmonically in the magic acclimatize land them of Valle d’Itria in territory of Martina Franca, agricultural area from centuries to detached wine vocation. The Valle d’Itria, enormous conca carsica aliquot in vitati deep small letters, is known to international level like “Valle of the Trulli” for the diffused presence of such characteristics insediative and productive shapes to shape of cone in stone to dry. The origins Di Marco company go back at least three generations for initiative of the actual grandfather owner. These, animated from true passion for the working of wines, wine tradition, than to Martina laughed them to XIV the century was gelous caretaker of one, that is to the foundation of the city angioina and to the legal formation of its territory. The takeover in puts into effect them productive structure, a constructed wine plant in 1872, has happened in the 1962 from then company has grown constantly in terms of production under the profile quantitative but, above all, qualitative. It puts into effect them corporate structures of the Wine cellars Di Marco are made up of two distinguished complex productive ones. ‘800 original unit is constituted from two wide sheds with the characteristic lignee covers to “capriata bolognese”, that they rest perimethral walls to tans squared of the compact local limestone stone. The recent works of restructure of these wide spaces, easy adapt you to the modern technical-productive requirements, have been adapted to the artistic and architectural lines of the factory.
- Production capacity of 60,000 HL per year;
- We have a line of wine in a red and white;
- Bottling line from 4,000 bottles per hour;
- Bottling line for magnum LT. 3 to 1,000 pieces per hour;
- We produce sparkling wines and sparkling wines for 20 years;
- We have an internal analysis laboratory;
Certification: BRC, IFS, ISO 22000.